I realize that living in America is an honor and a privilege accompanied by many perks. We Americans have come to expect much. It is said we are a land of peoples who are accustomed to and demand entitlements.
One of the seldom-talked about 'perks' of living in America is that we are surrounded by, and inundated with choices.....choices about everything. From the time we awaken, to the time our eyelids close, head on the pillow, we will have made a myriad of choices from what to wear, to what to eat, to how much milk to put on the cereal, turn on the television (or not), what route to drive, where to drive to, "Should I super-size that?", how much extra salt to sprinkle on lunch or dinner food, "Should I tell my co-worker?", "Do we want to accept this dinner invitation?", to polish the shoes (or not), how much soap to put into the dishwasher, etc.
Making choices doesn't bother me. It is an accepted part of my day. What I do find frustrating is having to think (another action verb for 'making a choice') about my motor movements - kinesthetically speaking - when using machines, gadgets, and gizmos I handle routinely. Here are a few examples: Gasoline pumps, ATM machines, debit/credit card scanning devices, doors (do I push in or pull out), shower/bath tub hardware in hotel rooms, bathroom sink faucets (do I push, pull or drag), and, lastly, wine-bottle cork pullers. How many different designs are really necessary to pull the cork from a wine bottle?
When I am shopping, running errands.....just 'doing' life, I would like to be on automatic. If machines, gadgets, and gizmos were standardized in design, there would be fewer headaches, less road rage, and, simply happier, more relaxed Americans. Come on, card-swiping industry. When I am paying for a purchase, I do not want a master's degree in gadgetry to be necessary before I swipe my card. I don't care if I swipe on the top or on the side.....if the 'yes' button is on the top, bottom or side.....does my stripe have to be on the top or bottom.....ALL I WANT TO DO IS BUY AN ITEM, PAY FOR IT, GET IN MY CAR AND GO HOME. JUST PUT EVERYTHING IN THE SAME PLACE, PLEASE. I won't start on automatic faucets in restrooms.
I think I feel better. Next I'll make some coffee. Let's see.....which bag of coffee beans should I select from and which of the three coffee makers, in the cupboard, should I use??????
Which puppy should I get?
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