When is cogitating a waste of time?
Is cogitating ever a waste of time?
What is the purpose of cogitating?
Does cogitating accomplish anything?
What happens when people are ask to cogitate - maybe even commanded, spend time in cogitation, believe the thoughts they had were good ones, then are told that other thoughts, not theirs, are better?
I see this happen time after time in life, whether it be at work, on committees, boards of directors, government, politicians, even in our personal lives.
I live by the belief that if you think you won't like the answer, please do not ask the question.
People who ask others to accomplish a task but give them little guidance concerning the desired outcome leave themselves wide open to differing views, procedures, and perhaps even answers.
Aren't we seeing this very scenario playing out in our state and local governments? It is as if we are looking at the "Push-Me-Pull-You" from the movie, "Dr. Doolittle". Could everyone please get their oars moving in the same direction, or, at least, agree on movement from port to starboard, fore and aft?
We need substantive cogitation, not rhetoric. Let's build something on rock, not sinking sand.
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