Daylight Savings Time
I would love to meet, face-to-face, the politicians that felt so moved to vote for Daylight Savings Time. There must have been some financial reward for a "yes" vote because I can see no other valid reason for supporting such an inane resolution. And, the states of Arizona and Hawaii agree!
For the life of me, I cannot see the purpose of tinkering with what seemed to be a perfectly good system in the first place. Changing time seems to rank right up there with the cloning of humans and animals. It is just not natural.
If it ain't broke, please don't fix it.
Washington has always been famous for tinkering with "stuff that ain't broke". I'm all for creating the new, fifty-first state of Fupom. (Former Upper Peninsula of Michigan) The United States doesn't have a state that begins with "F" so that logic of creation matches that of Washington. The residents of the current Upper Peninsula of Michigan have never felt connected with the wealthier, more worldly folk of the Lower Peninsula anyway, so this could be the perfect opportunity to establish a new state and get a few things right from the beginning.
I have, in fact, taken the liberty of writing a mission statement for the new state of Fupom.
Fupom recognizes the right of all its residents to: accept individual responsibility for their actions, have access to educational babysitting for every high school student, have access to the highest quality education for only those high school students who want to learn, accept English as the official language, accept no hyperinflation of the grading system, recognize that their children are not perfect,
require state officials to operate a budget only in the black, require the governor to live in the state capitol, have access to a Dunkin' Doughnuts and Great Harvest Bread Co. in every town, drive only on paved, pothole-free roadways, drive without toll charges, and be free from Daylight Savings Time.
Somehow I don't think I'll be elected to public office any time soon.
If anyone has any other statements to add to the vision statement of Fupom, please let me know.
Ancora imparo