Composing this post is challenging because I do not quite know where to begin.
Traveling to another state, I had the opportunity to observe poor performance and attitude this weekend, coupled with unprofessional behavior and words...............from a professional who should be held to a higher standard. In fact, the word professional should not apply to this person.
This individual has an elevated position within community - that of public school teacher and varsity coach of a high school basketball team.
I had heard murmurs of complaints from community residents and parents of team members but two nights ago I witnessed this individual in action for myself and I was appalled - both for the person and the unfortunate players that this person coaches.
This coach leads with demeaning, belittling, and demoralizing words from the sidelines. It is no wonder that the score reflected the team's lack-luster performance. Each time words of derision came from the coach, I winced for the team. I wonder what means of motivation this person utilizes in the classroom? I know that I would never want to be a student in this teacher's classroom or a team member under this coach's tutelage.
I heard first-hand accounts from team members and their parents of highly questionable and unprofessional behaviors by this coach, yet the person remains unchallenged by a spineless administration and school board. As a former educator who routinely took large groups of students out of the building for events, I would have expected to be reamed, chastised, reprimanded or even fired for exhibiting the same behaviors this coach/teacher has.
I am embarrassed to have one so obviously ill-suited to working with students called teacher or coach. Perhaps this one would be better suited to a career in politics where such behavior is tolerated and even appreciated.
Ancora imparo