Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Am I ever out of my comfort zone, behaving way outside the box.......for moi. 

I never, and I do mean never, take my laptop anywhere unplugged.  I see my kids carting their laptops all over the place unplugged.  They think nothing of taking their laptops or tablets to the park and perching the machines on their laps.  Or they sit in comfortable chairs or on sofas and surf away, typing furiously to unnamed recipients.   

Tonight that is just what I have done - minus the park idea.  After a day of high winds and heat, the evening has settled into a beautiful combination of temperate temperature, light breeze and just a hint of sunset.  It is hard to believe that, according to Weather Bug's radar, we are set to experience yet another bout of storms.  Not wanting to sit below decks and miss this most excellent evening, I have brought my laptop to the upper deck, choosing to experience Mother Nature on good behavior for a change. 

I am untethered - unbundled - unencumbered - liberated - and, yes, peaceful.  Now, I am experiencing guilt twinges as Capt. SO has chosen to wax part of the upper hull tonight.  I'm not certain why - I only know that you do not question the Captain.  He can wax, I'll type. 

There was a time, one year ago today, that I could not have enjoyed typing outside on my laptop without it being plugged in because my old machine was very slow and had long had a faulty battery that could last all of ten minutes or less before giving a message that said, "Very low battery." and would proceed to warn me that I was about to lose power and, perhaps, data.  Then two angels conspired, without my knowledge or consent, to provide me with a new laptop and bring me into the twenty-first century.  At first I sputtered murmurs of complaint about how I did not need a new laptop but it wasn't long (about one hour) before I was thankful beyond belief that I no longer had to use stone and chisel with which to communicate! 

Yes, it is glorious being outside and able to appreciate the cooler temperatures and dropping humidity - an oxymoron since I am sitting on top of the water!  I shall have to find other areas of my life in which to become untethered.

Ancora imparo