Tuesday, July 17, 2012

North Channel Great Adventure, Day Two, Thursday, July 12, 2012

North Channel Great Adventure Day Two
Thursday, July 12, 2012

The first morning to awaken at anchor. 

There is just nothing like going out to do Yoga on the back deck, looking out over slightly-rippled, pristine water, a tiny island in the distance and open water beyond that.  Even waking up without the aid of an alarm is such a treat, I can really feel as if I might be on some sort of vacation.

We ate a simple breakfast on the upper deck, watching two other kayakers from a neighboring boat slip silently through the water.  Capt. SO put up a can drop curtain to keep the sun from us, at least while we have breakfast.  If the breeze doesn’t pick up soon, it promises to be a warm day above and below decks.  Our freezer is not working on battery power so in order to keep the frozen food from thawing and our ice cubes in some semblance of ice, we are having to run the generator about three hours both morning and night.  A pain, but a necessary pain.  We do like our ice and we do like our frozen foods to be frozen.

Capt. SO (who does a lot of work on our Aqua RV) just brought the kayaks down and soon we’ll paddle off to explore places that only kayaks can venture.  I’ll put on my water shoes just in case we decide to get out of the kayaks and do a walk-a-bout.  I’m certain we will not tromp around on John Island because there are too many reports of black bear sightings.  I like my bears but only at a safe distance.

It is breathtakingly beautiful here, in a severe, granite sort of way.  The water is so clear one would swear you should be able to drink it but reality says “nay”.  I’ll sign off for now and get my kayaking clothes on.  I’ll start with sun clothing but take “reality” clothing with me to cover up with. 

I wish you all could experience this first-hand.  Wishing you the best health and happiness this day.

Ancora imparo