North Channel Adventure, Day 5
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Perhaps our last day in
Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, North Channel, Ontario, Canada. Depending on weather and slip availability,
we may move tomorrow to a town called Little Current, a little farther east in
the North Channel. We haven’t been
visited Little Current since our first trip to the North Channel in 2007.
It is hot and sultry here
in Gore Bay. The humidity is high and,
if you are outside for any length of time, your skin begins to feel like
Velcro, with everything attaching to it,
including your clothing, spiders, spider webs, and tiny flying knats. Sweat comes readily, easily, rapidly, and
profusely. If you are out for a
walk-a-bout and are lucky enough to find the combination of shade and breeze,
then you are in for a treat. Otherwise, you’d
best head for the A/C’s indoor comfort.
CSO and I were oot and
aboot several times today and, to show for it, have a full refrigerator, some
delicious Canadian chocolate, a new (real) Thermos coffee mug for moi, a new
potable-water hose, more Aqua RV toilet
paper, and our last servings of world’s best frozen yogurt.
Since the weather report
has had boaters on alert, the boats have been rolling in today. Many of the boats are Grand Banks, pointed
eventually at the Georgian Bay and a Grand Bank’s rendezvous in Parry Sound,
which is a looooong way east from here.
Most of these beauties run at chug-chug speed so it is not a quick run
from Gore Bay to their final destination.
I suspect that there will be many stops in-between here and Parry Sound.
My interior cleaning is
done. Yesterday I was the exterior teak
cleaner, which meant that I had to get on my hands and knees and wash the teak
floors………twice, they were so dirty. I’m
glad that task was accomplished yesterday when the temps were only slightly
Now my iced tea and I can
retire to the upper deck – the shade and breeze.
Until tomorrow.
Ancora imparo