Monday, February 6, 2012

Empty, Vapid Thoughts

Wow!  As I emailed someone last night, my head is spinning and I cannot stop its motion.  No, no - my head is not spinning as in drinking too much alcohol at yesterday's Super Bowl party.  I took eight ounces of Riesling wine in an old Tupperware glass and when that was gone, I switched to water.  Let me tell you that wine in Tupperware is an experience that everyone should have.  Rather, my head is spinning with thoughts and some of those yet untamed thoughts got in the way of sleep last night. 

The Super Bowl party was fun - as in too much tasty food, good conversation, lots of laughs, part-time watching of the game, full-time watching of the commercials, and our in-house announcer who, along with his friend "Bubbles", kept us all appraised on who was about to win quarterly dollars from the "pool".  Of course, the commercials were a big hit, some bigger than others.  My personal favorites were the commercials featuring dogs, with the dog who puts itself on a diet in order to run with a Volkswagen Beetle close to the top of my faves.  It is hard to ignore commercials featuring cute pets. 

At yesterday's party, I learned that some people keep a lot of emails.  During the course of the party, one woman was "paging" through almost fifteen hundred emails on her phone in order to find a picture of her and her husband.  Granted, it was a beautiful picture of the two of them, but fifteen hundred emails........really?

Adding another random thought to this the following text and decide what product you think it is describing:

Smooth and simply sweet.  Tantalizing aromas of brown sugar and spice kiss the nose and deepen into carmel and roasted walnut in the cup.  A low acidity supports a savory aftertaste that lingers in a lightly dry finish.   

If you said "coffee", you would be correct.  Who knew that coffee descriptions had evolved into such word-worthy, poetry-like prose? 

Lastly, blogging is free.  Anyone can set up a blogging website and begin posting random thoughts on random subjects for the mere cost of zero.  You, too, could share your empty, vapid thoughts.

Feeling better now,
ancora imparo