Sunday, February 26, 2012

Coffee With Myself

Yesterday I enjoyed coffee with my father.  Today it is just me, myself and moi.  I seem to be in a singularly inner-reflective state of being.  My coffee is freshly ground and brewed, even though, according to some, our coffee grinder would be a singularly inferior type as would be our antiquated and ancient coffee-brewing equipment. 

Interesting is it not, how for some, having the best, latest and greatest gadget, contraption or gizmo is paramount.  Not having said best, latest, and greatest gadget, contraption or gizmo is tantamount to failure and the end of the world.  I must remind myself to NEVER serve my sub-par and sub-standard coffee to those whose coffee palettes are far more refined than mine.  Seriously, these real-life coffee snobs should wear some identifying sign or tag that clearly marks them as people to not offer "coffee-of-the-common-folk" to.  Perhaps these people should be forced to wear one of those bicycle flags that you see mounted on the rear bumper of a bicycle.  You know, the kind that has a flag atop a flexible piece of metal and kind of blows in the wind.  Or, these people could have to wear "coffee-beanie-hats" that have a shortened version of the bicycle flag attached to the beanie somehow.  Anything to prevent them from whining, complaining and denouncing the people serving the yucky brew. 

Yes, there are many places that serve bad coffee.  Bad coffee is coffee so bad that even I, a coffee idiot, can identify as "not very good".  Bad coffee is prevalent, though I do not sense any conspiracy efforts on the part of the bad-coffee servers.  While many business waiting areas serve coffee that is bad, it is still a sign of conviviality to serve it in the first place.  It is made available to the public (i.e. business guests) as a gesture of welcoming goodwill.

Hear me, coffee snobs.  It is fine that you only drink the finest of brews made from the finest of beans, ground and brewed with the finest of machinery.  You have your own java standards to uphold.  If you find yourself out amongst we plebes who do stoop to drink sub-standard coffee, please know that you do not have to force yourself to drink it, hold a cup of it, or even waste your time loitering about with us.

Leave and go somewhere else.

Ancora imparo