I was just reading an article in today's paper about "trendy foods you'll crave in the New Year". How the Gatehouse News Service journalist, Kathryn Rem, ever thought bacon went out of favor is beyond me. Even the New World settlers knew the importance and highly prized flavor of bacon. I do not think I ever met a person who did not like bacon. Do I know people who cannot eat it any more, yes, but not like it........no!
After surveying chefs on both coasts, Rem goes on to list the next-big-trend-in-foods including (but not limited to) Greek yogurt, flatbreads, speciality salts, black garlic, flavored vinegars, agave, vegetable chips, non-traditional eggs (duck, quail, emu). I watch Iron Chef America and Chopped (both Food Network shows) and these foods are regularly used, so perhaps Rem's chefs are a bit behind the times.
While there are certain foods from my earlier years - like Shake-A-Puddin', that I really miss, one of the trends I would love to see return is the glass bottle. I realize that plastic is much safer, on one hand, because it does not shatter (even though, if dropped, some plastic bottles will most definitely crack), but I will always prefer glass over plastic or metal. The bottled-beverage industry can rid itself of metal cans any day. Milk in plastic containers - nah. The only plastic container that I can even remotely tolerate is the Dean Foods Chug bottle. It is a different type of plastic than most other milk containers, coming as close to glass as it can.
Foods I'd like to see featured in grocery stores would be fresh venison, freshly caught perch and bluegill, my mom's raisin-filled cookies, and my sister's cinnamon rolls. Since I do realize that these foods are not likely to appear on my grocer's shelves any time soon, my tasting memory will have to suffice. I'll have to just remember the flavor of uber-rare venison roasted over an open fire at Abbey and Ira's house, the perch and bluegill caught from the morning and eaten that night during summer camping trips, my mom's rasin-filled cookies warm from the oven, and my sister's cinnamon rolls tantalizing the taste buds from the oven and satisfying the taste buds later from my hand.
While I would prefer eating trendy foods - past and present - my memory serves up many fewer calories!
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