There are mysteries of the world that will always be with mankind - some will be answered and some will (and should) remain a mystery until the end of civilization as we know it. Questions like "What was Stonehenge used for?", "What really happened to the Mayan and Inca civilizations?", "What really precipitated the extinction of the dinosaurs?", "Is Elvis still alive?", "Is Barry Manilow still performing?", "Where is Jimmy Hoffa buried?", "Where do socks disappear to?", "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?", "Does this computer application require one click or two?", "Is it really possible to get out yellow mustard stains?", "Is Donald Trump's hair real?" and, "Will the Republicans ever find an electable representative?"
It is this last question-for-the-ages that intrigues me. Watching the news clips and reading news articles about the quest for who will be the Republican presidential nominee makes me think of two things: Department store revolving doors and the television game show, "Let's Make A Deal".
The revolving door image is fairly self-explanatory. The cast of characters (and I DO mean characters) who are vying for the nomination is like watching a department store revolving door and never knowing who (or what) will step out onto the sidewalk. Friend or foe, animal/vegetable/mineral, strong or weak, informed or uninformed, credible or incredible, moral or immoral, male or female, literate or illiterate, A-positive or B-negative.
The "Let's Make A Deal" imagery is an accurate depiction because the average American has many choices but none of them are as they seem. Just like the note on a vehicle's side mirror states, "objects in mirror are closer than they appear", the Republican-wannabe-presidential-nominee cast of characters is ever evolving - morphing continually into something unrecognizable to the Republican party's base of voters. Monty Hall would have a field day with asking audience members to choose what is behind Door No. 1, 2, or 3 because each door would have a different "reveal" every few minutes.
I saved my last "question for the ages" for now. "What drove the Republican party to extinction?"
Foot-in-mouth disease.
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