Remember the jingle that is associated with Almond Joy candy bars? "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't?" Besides describing the Hershey Corporation's Almond Joy candy bars, available with or without almonds, that little jingle aptly describes how I feel sometimes. Sometimes like a nut, other times not so nutty.
I feel nutty when I go into a room and cannot remember why. I feel nutty when I open up the refrigerator and have to ask myself, "Now what was I looking for?" I feel nutty when I had an important object in my hands two minutes ago and now cannot locate it. I felt nutty at last night's choir rehearsal when I kept becoming confused in the same passage, until, thankfully, I discovered that there was an entire measure of music missing in the piccolo part. I was so very relieved to learn it was not my brain malfunctioning.
Today is National Almond Day, which seems a mildly appropriate way to acknowledge the importance of the almond industry. After all, the almond is almost a super food, ranking right up there with bananas, chocolate, spinach, potatoes, tomatoes, caffeine, apples, milk, carrots, carrot cake, chocolate chip cookies, salmon, tuna, morel mushrooms, bacon, peanut butter, eggs (Remember the incredible, edible egg?), pineapple, Fritos, humus, legumes, Ritz crackers, Twizzlers, and Baby Ruth candy bars - just to name a few of the foods that many of us humans cannot live without.
Seriously, almonds have been proven to be highly beneficial to the human body. It has taken a while, but I have learned to like plain almonds, toasted in the oven for twelve minutes at four hundred and ten degrees, better than the roasted and salted variety that I used to prefer. Now if I could just learn to like chocolate in its purest form instead of being a part of a recipe that uses butter, eggs, and sugar.
I guess I have to take baby steps in my dietary preference improvements. In the meantime, I do really feel like a nut.......and sometimes I don't. How about you?
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