Our English language has many differing phrases for the concept of change. We alternately hear words such as changing of the guard, new kid on the block, new sheriff in town, changing of hands.....all of which usually refer to an alteration or variance in leadership. As an attendant change in leadership, we often hear phrases which indicate a shifting of atmosphere such as breath of fresh air, change of pace, or change of scenery.
Throughout time and on a broad scale, change has been seen both positively and negatively, has not always occurred willingly but usually has significantly altered the course of history. On smaller and local scales, change has suffered the same fate as its broadly based cousin, often colliding with opposing viewpoints from the moment of inception of the proposed change.
Those who bravely and boldly promote and propose change are not always welcomed within their societal circles and may be viewed with suspicion, disregard, disrespect, or if they are lucky, simple skepticism and resistance. Being a proponent of change can be a lonely road to travel, especially if one is swimming against the established 'rules of the road' or those who have been accustomed to leading without challenge.
What is it within our human psyche that prevents most of us from welcoming change or giving ear to those who would propose change? Are we simply guarding our sandboxes, preventing others from playing the game, or reacting protectively in order to defend 'the way we've always done it'? If we, the followers, never challenge our leader (or leaders) to look at a problem or issue in a different light, then are we not also to blame for hindering real progress? Are ineffectual leaders opposed to change simply because they are stubborn, blind to its possible efficacy or too immersed in their own hubris to be able to consider possible alternatives?
When did considering new options, new opinions and those who deliver them become passe and unacceptable? Can we not hope for objectivity, innovation and inspiration from our leaders? I am not proposing throwing out the proverbial baby with the bath water but I am all for looking at babies of differing skin color, considering differently shaped bath tubs and trying alternative temperatures of water. Who knows, maybe we could become so progressive that we could even evaluate the temperature with a different thermometer?
Let's all move our standard transmissions out of reverse and into forward. Automatic does not get the job done.
Ancora imparo