Thursday, December 16, 2010

Phone Pheedback

Occasionally, an Ancora imparo posting brings rather instant feedback, and yesterday's comment about a Pit Viper Gift Exchange did just that.  (For those of you that missed yesterday's post, I wrote about a White Elephant Gift Exchange phenomenon that created an atmosphere more like a Pit Viper Gift Exchange.)  My friend called and said, "Pit Viper.....really?" 

OK, so maybe more like a Roller Derby reaction.   You know, the rough and tumble world of Roller Derby, where one has to elbow, push, shove, and verbally intimidate the opposition in order to win the prize?  Obviously, there was no pushing, shoving and elbowing going on, but the reaction of some of the otherwise genteel and polished attendees was somewhat surprising and, at least for me, quite amusing.  Who would think that unspecified items, hidden in a variety of receptacles - i.e. bags, boxes, and other creative ways to hide a gift - would generate such frenzied fervor?

It has caused me to ponder, ever so briefly, what would ensue if someone was seen accidentally dropping something of great value in a crowded room, full of people who did not know each other and would probably never see one another again?  Would some honest person see the loss, retrieve the item, purposefully follow the unwitting individual until able to make contact, and then calmly tap that person on the shoulder to alert him or her to the lost-but-found? 

Would demographics come into play regarding the type of response......or lack of response?  Would age be a factor?  Would anyone who saw the 'incident', and picked up the item, return it to its rightful owner?  If multiple people witnessed the drop, would they tussle and tumble with each other in order to be the last person with their hands on the item of value?  Would it go to fisticuffs as sometimes happens in outfield spectator seats with pro baseball hits as each fan tries desperately to be the one to walk away with the souvenir?  Would the room remain calm and civilized or would a melee result?

Fascinating questions, as least for moi.  I hope I never have to be in that room full of crowded people.  Instead of puppies, kittens, and baby bunnies, the room might become filled with pit vipers, Roller Derby queens, wolverines, and the like.

I'll focus on the puppy in each of us.  A much more pleasant and reassuring thought during these Holly Daze, don't you think?

Ancora imparo