Monday, December 27, 2010

My Own ClutterFree Picture Gallery

One of my Christmas presents was this beautiful calendar, each month adorned with pictures of the Three Musketeers.  The calendar has taken the place of the change-the-seasons wreath that always hangs prominently in the condo's foyer.  Nate Berkus might give me a big, fat zero on the home decor scale, but that is OK with me.  I'll sacrifice style for pictures of those three, beautiful Musketeers any day.

There are many web sites where one can store pictures and retrieve them for duplication but my favorite site is in my mind.  I call this site, ClutterFree, a not-so-subtle take on ShutterFly.  In ClutterFree, my memories are clear, distinct, personal, and all mine.  I do not have to share my mental images with anyone and I can determine what is funny, poignant, hysterical, and touching.

A few of my fondest memories from the past several days are:
  • Eldest offspring at the Steinway, working on Nancy Wilson arrangements
  • Eldest offspring at her espresso maker.....over and over and over.  She must run on caffeine
  • The two offspring looking for 'squeaky Santa'......a little late, I might add
  • Princess Leia helping clear the table
  • Princess Leia discovering the Ziploc drawer
  • Princess Leia pushing her babies in the stroller.....around and around and around the kitchen circle
  • Princess Leia with her bracelets and her purse
  • TLV'sLB's smile that illuminates the earth
  • TLV'sLB's appetite for bananas.  They disappear almost instantly.
  • TLV and his LB pulling their 'reindeer' around the condo
  • TLV and his LB using a plastic bowl like a hockey puck.....back and forth.....while they are purportedly napping
  • Having a sleepover with TLV and his LB
  • TLV's new haircut that makes him look sooooo grown-up
  • TLV discovering Walter, the stuffed-animal dog on a blade of the ceiling fan
  • Playing YDKJ with TTMs' parents
  • Finding my bag of Cheese-Its in the facial-tissue box
  • Watching people open their gifts
  • Hearing TLV and his LB pray
  • Searching for reindeer with TLV and his LB
  • Saying goodbye to everyone.  This was especially hard this year.  Don't know why.
I will close and spend more moments enjoying my very own mental PowerPoint presentation.  May you do the same.

Ancora imparo