There are many web sites where one can store pictures and retrieve them for duplication but my favorite site is in my mind. I call this site, ClutterFree, a not-so-subtle take on ShutterFly. In ClutterFree, my memories are clear, distinct, personal, and all mine. I do not have to share my mental images with anyone and I can determine what is funny, poignant, hysterical, and touching.
A few of my fondest memories from the past several days are:
- Eldest offspring at the Steinway, working on Nancy Wilson arrangements
- Eldest offspring at her espresso maker.....over and over and over. She must run on caffeine
- The two offspring looking for 'squeaky Santa'......a little late, I might add
- Princess Leia helping clear the table
- Princess Leia discovering the Ziploc drawer
- Princess Leia pushing her babies in the stroller.....around and around and around the kitchen circle
- Princess Leia with her bracelets and her purse
- TLV'sLB's smile that illuminates the earth
- TLV'sLB's appetite for bananas. They disappear almost instantly.
- TLV and his LB pulling their 'reindeer' around the condo
- TLV and his LB using a plastic bowl like a hockey puck.....back and forth.....while they are purportedly napping
- Having a sleepover with TLV and his LB
- TLV's new haircut that makes him look sooooo grown-up
- TLV discovering Walter, the stuffed-animal dog on a blade of the ceiling fan
- Playing YDKJ with TTMs' parents
- Finding my bag of Cheese-Its in the facial-tissue box
- Watching people open their gifts
- Hearing TLV and his LB pray
- Searching for reindeer with TLV and his LB
- Saying goodbye to everyone. This was especially hard this year. Don't know why.
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