I think that most people would understand that T.M.I., today, stands for 'too much information'.
I actually heard this phrase uttered twice this morning - both times at church. The first time came when someone speaking with a microphone publicly declared that she had started flossing. You could see the faces in the congregation react to this personal revelation. There were lots of wrinkled brows and noses as people digested this tidbit of shared information. Someone was overheard saying, "Too much information!" Later, a conversation ensued about Facebook and all of the interesting comments that people post. One man declared that he was not interested in knowing the minute-to-minute details of other peoples' lives. Another man said, "Too much information."
At times, we do get way more information than we either bargain for or desire. I remember years ago, playing a game with other adults and one of the women publicly shared she had been involved in an affair that her husband (in another room) was unaware of. All of our jaws fell to the floor and I'm sure a collective but silent gasp could have been heard in the next county. "Too much information."
A long time ago, in another state and another millennium (or so it seems now) I worked with a man who was driven to tell all who would listen about his digestive issues. I must admit that after a few months of being the 'newbie' on staff, I learned to duck into another hallway or classroom whenever I knew I would be encountering him. He was a very nice man but his predisposition to sharing 'too much information' did not invite the desire to converse with him.
My former brother-in-law used to take high-resolution pictures of his ankle wound that refused to heal and he would send multiple pictures, daily, of his open wound. While he must have been very proud of this malady, it evoked the 'yuck' factor from me. "Too much information!"
Rest easy. I have no digestive issues about which I'd like to share with you, nor do I have any pictures to share that would evoke a "yuck" from you. I did eat some questionable mushrooms for lunch and I hope that dietary indiscretion does not result in any digestive issues that should not be shared or does not create any problem on my body that pictures should not be taken of.
We're all safe from "too much information".
Oh, by the way, I'm................
Ancora imparo