Thursday, December 3, 2009

Emperical Data

Today has been filled with such obvious observations (redundancy intended), so blatant that they shouted at me, yet so subtle I could have easily overlooked them. Life is like that at times. There are days, periods of life, where I can easily become wrapped up in 'stuff' and so self-absorbed that the rest of the world swirls by, figuratively, and I am oblivious to what is happening around me. Fortunately, over the past twenty-four hour period, my eyes and ears have been opened to my surroundings and I am more sensitive and less self-absorbed.

Observation Number One: Tell the truth, from the very beginning.....the alpha of the story. Do not delay or obfuscate the facts because the maelstrom of rumors will bring a person down......much farther than if the reality of the situation is confronted and dealt with. The public may be naive but we are not stupid.

Observation Number Two: A home, that I frequently drive past and that has been for sale for almost two years, now has a sold sign in its front yard. Finally, closure for the family that lives there. I do not know these people, but I've watched the For-Sale sign languish in the yard, gathering dust interrupted only by the occasional open house and the addition of "price reduced" slapped across the sign, rather adding insult to injury. Not only was the "sold" sign prominent today, but two moving trucks were loading belongings out of the home, another signal that a new journey is about to begin for the home's present occupants. The romantic optimist in me hopes the story's ending is a happy one that finds a nuclear family once again united, just in time for the holidays.

Observation Number Three: This one was laughable. Since it was so cold this morning that I had to actually don a winter coat AND wear gloves - all the while snow flakes are falling, the empirical evidence was was cold. Plus, the outside temperature sensor on my vehicle told me the temp was thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit. So when the little snowflake icon appeared on my dash display, I began to laugh aloud at how ludicrous the icon's presence was. It was truly a 'duh' moment. Thank you, Volvo, for your uber-advanced electronics. Without the snowflake, I would have never deduced that it was cold and snowing.

Lastly, I am no fan of winter weather. I do not mind looking at snow but I'd rather not drive nor walk in it. Final observation: I'm living in the wrong climate. Too bad!

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