I am a living dichotomy regarding patience.
On the one hand, classroom teaching taught me patience to the highest degree. I learned that patience must be doled out in the greatest proportions to the students who seem to deserve it the least. An early career managing adult volunteers in several venues also proved useful toward the skill of patience. Unfortunately, the ability to call upon instantaneous patience did not always morph into my home life, as I'm sure my children and SO would so attest.
Today I can be consumed with patience upon personal demand. I have pockets of life that either require patience or automatically produce a calm, centered approach to whatever or whoever I am with.
On the other hand, I am developing the trait of impatience toward too many tasks or situations.
For example, on this day I have multiple cleaning tasks that must be accomplished......no choice in the matter. But one of them is testing my patience to the max. Cleaning carpeting in a small, confined space on a very rainy day is vexing, to say the least. Small sections must be done at a time but a spray application has to be applied before scrubbing and must set into the carpet fibers for about three minutes before hand-cleaning. Possibilities for ventilation are limited due to the rain. Consequently, my SO and I are coughing and sneezing. And to think we have to sleep in this very space tonight!
This makes me very impatient.
Next will come defrosting (on my knees) two small refrigerators and a freezer. More waiting - more loss of patience.
Therefore, I sign off today lacking patience. If any reader has some to send my way, I'd greatly appreciate it. May you have more than I!
Ancora imparo