Occasionally a quote or a phrase from text will catch my eye and, subsequently my brain, providing much needed inspiration. Such was the case yesterday as I was preparing for an evening rehearsal. The quote, attributed to Theodore Hesburgh, a former President of Notre Dame University is as follows:
"The essence of leadership is a vision you articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet."
What struck me was the depth and many facets of Hesburgh's words. On one level it speaks directly to anyone in a leadership role, no matter the place, institution, or venue. I believe there is even a message for those in relationships or individuals searching for themselves.
At times we lead others and, at times, we must lead ourselves. My take-a-way from this quote was that I must exhibit consistency, both in my professional roles and personal roles. As a confidant once advised me about driving through Chicago - pick a lane and stick with it. Does this mean that I should eschew flexibility? Absolutely not! What this quote does affirm is that I must believe what I say I believe. If I am to mentor others and inspire myself, I must blow my trumpet with certainty and confidence. I do not believe that Hesburgh was implying that we should toot our own horns. His words were not a clarion call for egotism or hubris but rather a validation of another phrase that I have printed on a poster in my office - author listed as anonymous:
If you want to lead the orchestra you have to turn your back on the crowd.
I believe that Hesburgh would approve of this thought as well. He just might add that you cannot effectively lead the orchestra if you are constantly checking out the crowd's reaction.
Blow your trumpet with certainty.
Ancora imparo