It has been over a week since I've been in the presence of The Little Voice (TLV) and I've thought about him many times. While I was helping to care for him, I realized there is a part of my phyche that can identify with the thought process of a three-year old. This conclusion scared the livin' daylights out of me until I came to understand that there is some logic to the structure of justice to a three-year old.
TLV's parents use the words 'obey' and 'disobey' while speaking to him in a discipline-needed situation, so while I was the OIC (One in Charge), I tried to use the same verbiage and procedures of his parents when the seldom-needed disciplinary moment arose between TLV and the OIC.
I'm sure he and I took liberties with discipline that would give his parents apoplexy but I'll never disclose where, when, how, or why. I'll protect my 'source' to the day I cease breathing.
To the point, however............
This week's news brought word that a person, formerly high within state government, was indicted on numerous counts of tom-foolery, hand-in-the-cookie jar, it-wasn't-what-it-appears, and downright dishonest behaviors and actions. Of course, we are hearing the inevitable "I'll fight to prove my innocence" rhetoric, which will result in even more taxpayer dollars being wasted on fees to cover court costs and the salaries of federal prosecutors and their lackeys.
This entire battery of purloinment charges could be settled quickly and quietly simply by applying the justice logic of a three-year old. For a TYO (three-year old..........I'm tired of typing that), here's how it should play out:
To the indicted former elected-state-leader: You disobeyed the rules and laws set forth by the State of Illinois and the federal government. Therefore you must suffer the consequences of the bad choices you made.
This translates to a 'time-out', in a crib-like structure, the length of which will be determined by the adults in charge. In this case..............say thirty to forty years? An appropriate consequence delivered with love and respect from the citizens of the State of Illinois.
Sounds logical to me.
Ancora imparo