Have you noticed that new words are appearing at the speed of light in our vocabulary?
Consider the recently accepted term 'twitter'.
As someone with an inquiring mind, I've allowed my mind to search possible derivatives as well as the root of the word 'twitter'.
For example, if I twitter, then when I am twittering, am I a twitterer? Etymologists research the root of each word and they would most certainly conclude that by the act of twittering while I twitter, I am a twit.
Another form of the word twitter can be found in the text of the movie Bambi. In Bambi, to be goofy and giddy in love with someone or something is to be twitterpated. So, to use the logic of nested-ifs in reverse, I arrive at the following conclusions:
If I twitter, I am a twit who is a twitterer and therefore twitterpated with twittering.
Now, in my realm, if I hear the phrases, "What a twit." or "That little twit.", these are not utterances of endearment. Yet the phrases might very well be simply associated with someone who is twittering.
Confused? Me, too.
My final conclusion is thus:
I am a twitterer who is twitterpated with twitterpation and the act of twittering, which makes me a twit. Whatever happened to simple 'texting'? This is all so confusing!
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