Wednesday, September 12, 2012

One At A Time

In a recent email I wrote about how the promise of fall is in the air.  Mother Nature is teasing us midwesterners with the occasional low-humidity, mid-seventies daytime temps and nighttime temps slipping below the sixty-degree mark............occasionally.  Then She flexes her meteorological muscles and throws back some upper-eighties along with laser-beam sun and high humidity.  But, the winds of change are coming as evidenced by geese gathering, school beginnings, fall-type activities starting up, the ever-shortening number of daylight hours, Friday night football, pumpkin-patch displays and apple cider doughnuts.

One of the ways I mark the passage of fall time is the gradual disappearance of fellow aqua RVs.  It is practically unseen how the aqua RV's slip away, sometime within hours.  You can be gone for an hour to run errands and when you return yet another boat slip is empty.  Walking the docks at the hour of 8:00 p.m. finds total darkness both from the sky and docks.  Last night only three slips had lights of any kind.

Yes, fall is right around the corner.  Fall means the inevitable hard frost which will end roadside markets teaming with cucumbers, sweet corn, string beans and tomatoes.  In their place will be bountiful displays of squash, potatoes, apples and pumpkins.  Fall apple varieties are plentiful, juicy, and oh-so delicious.  Who can resist the numerous types of squash?  Large, small, dry, higher-water content........there is a squash for everyone just as there is an apple for every appetite and pie-maker.

I love the seasons.  Each season offers something different to the lovers of seasonal activities.  While I am a decidedly winter "unappreciator", I can enjoy the occasional pristine long as I do not have to drive in it!

One day at a time.  Every day brings changes - most of which we have no control over.  I await tomorrow.

Ancora imparo