Over a recent delicious Italian meal of lasagna, veal piccatta, veal parmigiana and pollo (chicken) parmigiana the conversation turned to American politics. Diverse opinions abounded between people of both "right" and "left" persuasions. All remarks, observations and statements were lively yet respectful. Laughter was frequently present and genuine. During the course of the evening's meal, one person commented that she had decided that apathy was the way to survive in our nation's current political and social upheaval. She remarked that she was tired of partisanism (my word) where civil discourse was practically impossible on any subject. Her words somehow hit home and resonated with me throughout the night and into the next day. Three days later, I am still processing the concept of apathy as a method of social survival.
I suspect that some people who espouse apathy are not actually apathetic underneath their proclamations of apathy, but it certainly can serve as an escape mechanism when verbal exchanges become heated and uncivil. Apathy tends to keep one's mouth shut, which definitely protects against the outrage of those who disagree with you, me or us.
It is unfortunate that, for those of us who are committed middle-of-the-roaders and politically independent, many individuals of the outer persuasions cannot nor will not accept any view other than theirs. I have long given up professing most of my opinions publicly on any topics other than sea salt, marching band precision, cat litter, font size, and bathrobe fabrics. These former topics seem to be safe from vitriolic outbursts and hateful statements in response. I'm certain that if I ever revealed my innermost opinions and viewpoints anywhere other than to my perennial hateful kitty (She dislikes everyone so I'm safe.) I'd be blacklisted from everywhere and everyone.
When did it become unsafe to express opinions on education, milk chocolate versus dark chocolate, decaf versus caffeinated coffee, types of car tires, government regulations regarding miles per gallon, the ingestion of meat, and fancy car tires versus "regular" car tires.
Am I apathetic? When it comes to caring about who the recently divorced super-model is dating, what happened yesterday in Honey Boo-boo's life, or whether or not the decidedly beautiful and devastatingly charming Dutchess of Cambridge is with child.............yest I am.
On the subjects about which I care deeply, passionately and opinionatedly..........you'll hear as little as possible. Just have dinner with me.
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