Love is a funny concept. The Bible says that "love is patient, love is kind......." - we've probably all heard that scripture read many times at weddings.
Love is mostly intangible - the concept, that is. Most humans know what love has felt like, either on the giving or receiving end. "In love" has a certain connotation that most people would understand. "In love" generally means loving another person, although pet owners might have a serious disagreement with that statement. I have known and do know plenty of people who love their pets as they would love another human and, why not? Pets tend to love selflessly in return - expecting nothing but relishing every kind moment or act that comes their way. Pets (most) don't talk back and pets are totally understanding of their humans' bad days.
Some people "love" inanimate objects, concepts, or "things". We probably all know someone who loves a car, house, money, clothes, prestige, power, influence, a position, and, even him or herself, more than a human(s).
And, so, in the spirit of disclosure, I must admit to loving an intangible concept more than I should: This summer, in particular, I love air conditioning, especially air conditioning units in places I inhabit. This brutal heat that is causing people, pets, livestock, and crops to suffer is really taking its toll on my productivity. As long as I have continued access to air condition, I feel ambitious, creative, and fruitful. Take away external cooling, such as AC or a brisk breeze, and I turn into this zombie-like character who resembles a half-dead garden slug. Each week our condo association's grounds are tended by a large group of grounds-keepers and I do not know from whence their motivation comes. True, they get a paycheck and perhaps that is their total motivation. Still, I don't know how they survive the heat.
Now you know my secret. I am in love with air conditioning. I used to live without it years ago but now that I am old and spoiled, I would not care to exist without it for my living quarters. Not only do I not get anything done when I am overheated but my crankiness ratchets up to the red-warning level. Then I behave in a manner that only my beloved dog, Max, would be able to overlook.
Capt. SO.......not so much.
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