Saturday, June 16, 2012

Lighter Than Air

Have you ever tried to catch an errant piece of fuzz? A particle big enough to be seen clearly by the naked eye, yet light enough to float about on some unseen gossamer thread, dancing around on a jet stream felt only by fuzz bunnies everywhere.

Spider webs are like that floating fuzz bunny.  Webs so thin they cannot be seen, yet their presence is felt the minute you walk through them and find your skin crawling from invisible tentacles that get brushed off immediately by frantic hands.  

Then there are the birds who look as if they are straight out of a Biblical text from the Old Testament.  Large areas of harvested weeds clog certain corners of piers, where the weeds float on the surface of the water, giving the appearance of some ugly, used-appliance-type-of-store linoleum flooring from the 1950's.  Smart birds, looking for an easy insect meal, walk about on these floating weeds, looking as if they are truly walking on water.  Yesterday I heard a little boy, perhaps five or six, exclaim to his mother, "Look Mommy!  Jesus birds!"  I'm sure Jesus smiled down on this child for at least remembering part of the story where Jesus walks on water.

Sometimes I wish I could float in the wind, waving about like some wispy spider web, or walk on invisible water or footbridges like Indiana Jones did in his movies.  Sometimes I wish life was a little more like a Hollywood fantasy movie and a little less like real life where you actually have to sweep up the fuzz, spray to keep the invading arachnids out of your home, or clean up your own weed mess. 

It would be fun to be lighter than air, just like the fuzz bunnies, the spider webs and the birds, although I suspect that being aimless would be fun for about an hour and then I'd be seeking out substantive things to do.  For the time being, I'll dream about being lighter than air.

A girl can dream - can't she?

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