I took myself to breakfast this morning. I'd left home early in the morning without eating and decided to treat myself to a quiet meal at a favorite eating spot in the midst of my errands. I arrived at a quieter time of day for this place which becomes a bustling eatery around all meal times. I fetched my coffee and took a seat near a window in an area that looked as if it might afford some solitude. I was wrong! Armed with a crossword puzzle, I relaxed with coffee in hand and waited for my order.
My reverie was to be somewhat denied this morning because I was within close proximity to two tables of four that had a lot to say.....and very loudly. Try as I might to work on my crossword puzzle, it was easier to succumb to the loud conversations and just listen. If the truth be known, my half of the restaurant couldn't help but hear the two conversations.
One of the foursomes was comprised of four older adults, probably seventy years of age or a little older. Maybe their vocal volume was louder because their hearing was failing. I have no idea about their hearing but I can tell you that they really like the World Wrestling Federation - or whatever it is called. They spoke with great authority about the wrestlers, both male and female, what they wore, what their bodies looked like and how much they appeared to sweat while wrestling. After the wrestling theme, they switched to Dancing With the Stars, their bodies, how the men "throw" (their word - not mine) their partners about, the costumes and the cleavage. (Hey, I don't make this up. I just report the news.)
The other table foursome was just behind me and to my left and was made up of four younger-looking women. Their loud topic of conversation was a local private school, it's mean girls, its top-heavy staff, the idea that they thought tuition was way too high (I wondered to myself if the tuition is so high, why are your children attending this school?), and the idea that the school did not mete our discipline fairly and that the children of prominent people received preferential treatment. These women were so negative about the school I could not imagine any circumstance under which they should have chosen to send their children to the school.
I can only imagine what others seated around both of these tables might have thought of the conversations. Yes, I'm certain you'll think that I should have just been able to tune out the discussions but the volume was so high it was virtually impossible not to feel that you were seated right at each of the tables.
I just wanted to sit in a relatively quiet place.
Ancora imparo