Here's another television commercial reference. The Allstate Insurance commercial with the dude who calls himself "Mayhem" and causes car "accidents". Mayhem, which can occur anywhere at any time, can be the result of human antics, mechanical malfunctions or, simply, fate. Our world seems to be in the throes of what I would describe as "Mayan Mayhem". (No offense to those of Mayan descent.)
Centuries ago, the Mayan civilization, at the time one of the most advanced on earth, devised a sophisticated calendar system which predicted that the year 2012 would be the year in which the world would end. Now that other prognosticators and preachers have mis-read the celestial and prophetic communications sent to them, the next foretelling of the world ending seems to be the Mayan myth.
Most people are skeptical at worst and disbelieving at best regarding the possibility of the end of the world happening in 2012. Comedians are having a field day with this as are the common folk on social media sites. Today, one funny fellow had a Facebook posting that said he knew the end of the world wouldn't happen in 2012 because his cereal's expiration date wasn't until 2014. I'm with him.
Chances are the end of the world will not occur until the Republicans sort through their ranks and separate the wheat from the chaff, Kim Kardashian finds true love, Jennifer Lopez remarries, the government stops sending census questionnaires, the stock market stops being manipulated from the inside AND outside, the world runs out of apps, and chocolate is named a food group. Until then, I am confident that none of the aforementioned will take place and that we will have to be subjected to a year filled with election rhetoric and nonsense.
More mayhem.
Ancora imparo