Friday, February 19, 2010

Aqua Retreat

Does it ever seem as if 'the world' is encroaching, exacting a bit of energy here and there, until you wake up one morning and realize that boundaries have been broached and need to be re-set? 'The world' easily slips into our daily lives - morning, noon, and night - and this phenomenon occurs with such subtlety that we are not aware it is happening.

I've been sensing too much 'world' as of late and I've discovered the perfect solution for moi: a very long shower. I may have to re-think this solution when our next water bill arrives, but until then, I'm looking forward to having skin that resembles a prune.

Just standing under the coursing water beating down on my skull or neck, steam collecting and rising, warming the room to a rain forest temperature and there is true relaxation. Our shower area has two seats and you can sit down, if you prefer, and ponder the meaning of life as the steam swirls around you. Unlike state park showers that I've used over the years that have a pre-determined length of running time and you have to keep whacking the button to maintain a water flow, the home shower simply runs until you, the homeowner, decides to shut it off or your bank account runs dry (pun intended) - whichever comes first.

I find that clarity of thought is a bi-product of an overly-long shower, as is the extended number of people you can pray for, plus it is a way to avoid 'the world'. As a rule, I do not take my cell phone into the shower area, so I am out of contact with 'the world' for a period of time not to exceed what?

That is the beauty of escaping into the shower. I can decide how long I'll stand under the water and hide within the billowing puffs of steam. I know if I am absent for too long, someone will eventually come looking for me and when they do, I'll simply call out that I am alive and well and not done yet.

Just think......I decided all of this and I wasn't even dripping wet! Now that is inspiration!

I think I'll grab my towel and head for the shower. Perhaps more wisdom and personal revelation will follow.

Ancora imparo