I've had a life-long disability............having a short attention span if the speaker doesn't keep my attention.
This problem probably surfaced in science and math classes in high school/college, college classes where the professor droned on and on and, the most humiliating to admit - church.
Don't get me wrong. Our pastor is a fine fellow, personally, but his "preaching" style is somewhat labored and unenthusiastic. So, when I am "in church", I strive to be particularly attentive, especially because I am often sitting in front of the congregation in the choir loft, where choir members and musicians are in the liturgical equivalent of a fish bowl. Our every move, facial expression and the occasional droopy eyelid is front and center for the three-hundred-plus eyes to see.
Today, I managed to stay alert through the first service and then, almost six hours after I awakened, I began the last "tour of duty" for the morning. Armed with plenty of java and reciprocal enthusiasm from the choir I have the honor to direct, I moved down to the front row of pews, facing the men, and assumed the "position", waiting for the part of the service when the men sing next. The "position" is that of a calm, composed, quiet, still, reflective and engaged individual, hanging on the every word of the person speaking.
The person speaking at the time was giving information about a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a bus tour to see the world's largest Passion Play in Indiana. The Passion Play takes place in Muncie, Indiana, but this dear man said "Muenster", Indiana. Struggling to pay attention because this is the second time I've heard all this, and, because my diet doesn't include cheese products any more, my brain picked up on "muenster" because this is one of my favorite cheeses. I was now smiling, not because I love Jesus, nor was I inwardly laughing at the pastor who uttered "muenster" instead of Muncie, but because I love cheese. I happened to look up at my choir of men and caught the eye of a gentleman in the back row. This particular gentleman has a terrific sense of humor and I could see him facially processing the word "muenster" versus Muncie. We both knew what the other was smiling about and the smiling turned into a bit of quiet laughter. Because of this, I was sure the Lord would strike me down right there, but He did not and, has instead, given me a reprieve to redeem myself next week at church where..................you will find me sitting statue-still, reflecting on how 'tis better to laugh inwardly than outwardly the next time I hear a type of cheese mentioned in church.
I really do miss cheese...............................