Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Many Shades of Khaki
I am slowly becoming less of a slave to past ghosts. It is such an empowering feeling to be confronted with past people/events/places that I left voluntarily and not be overwhelmed with sadness and longing to turn backwards. I am moving ahead, replacing former paths and people with new roadways and associations.
The dog that I found wandering about before Christmas has been reunited with its owners via Winnebago County Animal Services. I can only hope that this time the owners bother to keep a collar on the dog, complete with tags and identification. An identification chip would be a good New Year's gift to the animal. Since the dog was at Animal Services for over eight days before the owners claimed him, I wonder about the human commitment factor. Oh well, it is out of my hands now.
With the last day of the year looming largely, I suppose that reflection and ponderings might be appropriate but the urge has not yet found its way to me. I think I'll leave that to the pundits who seem to have an opinion and forecast about everything.
At least, when I speak, I do not have constant "you knows" peppering my speech.